Frequently Asked Questions

What is involved in the program?

There are three tools that all participants in a Correction Program receive. First they learn how to correct perception and disorientation at will. This is accomplished with a multi sensory hands on technique that allows the client to achieve optimal focus (Orientation). The second tool will give the individual the ability to self control their personal energy levels. We call this an “Energy Dial”. The last tool given is the “Release tool”. Release allows the client to self monitor the amount of tension they are feeling in their person. Learners who have experienced a large amount of stress and frustration while learning find this tool exceptionally helpful.

The client’s program will be put together specifically to achieve their goals and needs. So from this point on each program is individualized. All Correction Programs use clay to remove any “triggers” that are causing confusion for the learner. While the individual was learning symbols or concepts confusion was recorded incomplete. Removal of that confusion allows the learner to use the symbols or think with concepts without disorientation and mistakes. The rest of the program is built on this foundation causing each layer of learning to be complete and solid.

Can Dyslexia be cured?

There is no cure for dyslexia, as dyslexia is not a disease, and it is not the result of a brain injury or defect. Dyslexic people think primarily in pictures, not words, and have difficulty learning to work with symbols such as letters or numbers. When they are confused or frustrated as children, they begin to experience distorted perceptions, such as reversals of letters, and develop life-long learning blocks that hamper their progress.

The problems that prevent learning can be corrected. That is, dyslexic children and adults can learn to recognize and control the mental state that results in distorted perceptions, thus eliminating this problem. They can also learn new and more effective approaches to reading, writing, spelling, or math calculations, and thus overcome problems at school or work.

Does this program work with adults?

Yes! At the age of 38, Ron Davis discovered the tools that allowed him to correct perception and, for the first time in his life, read an entire book in one sitting. After his discovery, the program was further tested and developed by working with adult Dyslexic volunteers.Motivated adults bring a level of maturity and self-awareness that make the program extremely rewarding and successful!

Janell Learning Solutions has helped adults of all ages to improve their reading, writing, spelling, focus, social anxiety, speaking skills, self confidence and stress-levels.

How is this program different from others?

The Correction Program methods address the root cause of learning disabilities. This positive, creative-based program is DESIGNED for the learning style of the visual-spatial person. It uses the natural strengths and talents of the client’s personal learning style. Clients will learn HOW THEY LEARN and leave with the ability to implement the knowledge obtained during the program into daily life.

The program does not use phonics, colored-overlays, rote memorization, or repetitive drill — which address only the symptoms, not the root cause of Dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.Unlike other programs that require weekly visits over the course of many years, the Correction Program follow-up is done from the comfort of your own home…on your schedule…and at no additional cost to you.

What can I expect to gain from the program?

  • The ability to recognize and correct disorientations at will

  • The ability to focus attention

  • The ability to self manage energy levels

  • The ability to be confident in social settings

  • The understanding of how to learn any subject

  • The knowledge of how to eliminate confusions in words and symbols

  • Increased self-confidence and ability in reading, writing, speaking, math or physical skills

  • Motivation to start and finish a task

How does the Correction Program work with home-schooled children?

The Correction Program is a wonderful complement to the home school setting. After the 30-hour program, support training for the parent provides a basis for follow-up over the next 4-6 months. All necessary materials are provided, and when added into a daily routine, the follow-up exercises go quickly. Many homeschool families have found great success with implementing the Correction strategies into their home school environments – even for their Visual Spatial children!

How much improvement in reading or writing can I expect?

The Correction Program has a 97% success rate! A typical program will provide for a significant improvement by the last day of the program in reading fluency and comprehension. Writing is expected to improve from illegible to legible! This is a literacy jumpstart…future progress is determined by the client’s motivation, continued use of tools, and completion of Symbol Mastery after the program.

Will I lose my gifts after going through the program?

No, you will not lose your gifts. The correction program utilizes and builds on the natural visual spatial thinking style and gifts of the dyslexic individual. Most people find that as their challenges are resolved, their gifts have a chance to shine brighter than before. Read about famous dyslexics – click here!

What other diagnoses can the Correction Programs help with?

Despite what most people think, Dyslexia is a term that is actually very broad. Other common diagnoses that are helped by the Correction Program include (but are not limited to):

  • Language-Based Learning Disability

  • Reading Disability

  • Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD)

  • Dyspraxia

  • Dyscalculia (Math)

  • Dysgraphia (Handwriting)

  • Phonemic Awareness Disability

  • Visual Processing Disorder

  • Auditory Processing Disorder

Janell Warkentin Learning Solutions

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