Janell Warkentin
Janell is a Licensed Corrections Program Facilitator. She herself is a corrected Dyslexic. This gives her and understanding of what individuals that are visual spatial learners are experiencing.
Janell instructed 9th grade English in an exclusive school in Khabarovsk, Russia for two years. Upon returning to the United States she began a career as a professional horse trainer and clinician.
It is the blend of understanding visual spatial learning, experience as an educator, and empathy gained through training horses and riders that makes Janell an exceptional facilitator.
The purpose of the Correction Programs is to empower children and adults who experience difficulties with reading, writing, math, language, focus, anxiety, time management, social skills, and attention. They gain a new understanding of their personal thinking style and perceptual processes. They will be learning self-help methods for controlling perception, as well as skills for eliminating confusions regarding language and math symbols.
The Correction Programs are based on the finding that many individuals who exhibit learning disability symptoms and anxiety in social settings have a natural and innate ability to shift or alter their mental and physical perceptions. They can use this perceptual ability to facilitate creativity, improve physical performance, enhance thinking, or resolve confusions. However, when they use this same ability to resolve confusions with language or math symbols, or in interpreting social clues it only causes unwanted perceptual distortions and noticeable disorientation that effect vision, hearing, balance, energy levels, focus, motor skill, time sense and/or speech.
Individuals who process and use this thinking style can be shown how to control their perceptions so disorientation no longer interferes with their ability to learn and socialize successfully. During the program clients gain experience using this skill as they clear up many of their basic confusions regarding letters, words, sounds, numbers, and other language symbols. Along with tools that allow them to be who they are in social settings reducing the overwhelming “static” that disorientation can cause.
Visual Spatial Processing is one of the most misunderstood learning styles in today’s educational landscape. At one time, Visual Spatial Learning was defined as deficiency in brain function – a disability. We now know, however, that Visual Spatial Learning is not a result of a genetic flaw – or brain, eye, or ear malfunction – it is a difference in thinking and learning style that can cause confusion when dealing with symbols or understanding of social norms.
In fact, some of our culture’s most talented people are Visual Spatial Learners – as is true for many of the pioneers in technology, physics, and art.
Today, there is real relief for the struggle, frustration, and self-esteem-crushing symptoms of Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and the many other variations that accompany the Visual Spatial thinking style, including (but not limited to):
Reading Disability
Language-based Learning Disability
Dyspraxia (balance)
Dyscalculia (math)
Dysgraphia (hand writing)
Auditory Processing Disorder
Visual Processing Disorder
If you or your child have any of the above mentioned diagnosis – or simply experience fatigue, frustration, or difficulty when dealing with the written word – please contact Janell Warkentin for a no-obligation phone consultation and see if On Point Learning Solutions can help!
Phone: 541-647-0841
Learning is more than memorizing facts—it's about how your brain processes, stores, and applies information. But did you know that energy plays a significant role in this process?
As an energy healer and learning specialist, I’ve seen how blocked energy can manifest as focus struggles, memory issues, and even feelings of frustration or inadequacy. When we work with both the mind and the energy field, learning becomes more natural, enjoyable, and effective.
If you’re curious about the role of energy in learning, visit my healing website to learn more.
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